Thursday, September 8, 2011

Weekly Productivity Log

This log is like a REAL friend!  It will tell you like it is...whether you want to hear it or not!  Inspecting and monitoring your business activities is essential to know if you're on the right track.  By looking at past performance, you can make the necessary adjustments to ensure better results in the future. 

Summary & Weekly Tabs (At the bottom of the spreadsheet): 

The first Tab is labeled SUMMARY.  This spreadsheet will automatically import the data from your weekly sheets and total your activity throughout the course of the program.  DO NOT WRITE or change anything on this worksheet. 

The next 12 tabs are labeled for the 12 weeks of the program.  Begin with WEEK 1 and include activity from Monday, September 5 - Sunday, September 11.  Then fill in the worksheet in the next tab for WEEK 2 and so on.  (Please do not enter anything in the TOTALS column which is shaded BLUE. It contains formulas for calculating your totals for the week.)

Completing the form:  Just enter numbers for each activity, each day.  If you make 10 new contacts today (Thursday)'d enter "10" in the Thursday column for that activity.  The worksheet is set up to automatically caculate your weekly totals. 

Submitting your WEEKLY LOG for the previous week by the close of business every MONDAY:  Save your file on your computer for ongoing use and email a copy to me at CHERYL@ANEWCOACHING.COM.

CLICK HERE to download the file.

I look forward to receiving, reviewing and discussing your progress with you!

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