Thursday, September 8, 2011


"A failure to plan is a plan to fail!"

I don't know who said it, but it certainly is true.  And, as leaders with a destination in mind, we can't take any risks with the success of our 90-day to diamond journey.

If you don't already have a sketch of your monthly calendar laid out through December 2012, please do so.  You can begin by including your training dates, Party with a Purpose dates, any known dates for networking events in your area, etc.  Since this is a planning calendar, put everything you can think of on it.  Then when you are closer to the event, you can decide if it's something you or your team can/will do.

Visit the websites of your local radio stations, newspapers, other online resources to find out about planned events in your community.  Remember, even if you can't afford to rent a booth at an event, you and your team members can always attend to meet people, distribute samples and the Pharmacy Discount Cards.

Your most active calendars will be the next 90 days.  Within this timeframe, you should begin making decisions and filling in the details of your activities.


What's vitally important is scheduling out your weekly activities.  This ensures that you can have clarity about what you will do each day of your week.  Please review the SAMPLE CALENDAR provided and use it as a guide to prepare your calendar.  I find that calendaring and making sure there is a time for everything that I need to do in the week is quite liberating.    Knowing that it's on the calendar means I don't have to stress or worry about it all week long.  I just focus on it when the time comes.

For instance, Wednesday evenings is time that I've set aside for 3-WAY CALLS and to make calls to team members.  So throughout the week, I make notes of anyone I need to call and why.  Then, I pull that list out on Wednesdays and I can get right to work. 

CLICK HERE to download the file.

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